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With 20 years of manure separation expertise GEA Houle offers a system capable of producing top quality bedding. Many configurations of the Xpress Cascading Roller Press System are available and its flexibility allows the ability to process in one hour, the daily manure output from 45-300 cows. Depending on the…
Ground level Gas Storage is used when a tank is not available or with site requirements that have a height restriction. Gas storage vessels are available in a wide range of volumes for high and low output sites. Ground mounted storage tanks are anchored to a concrete foundation with tank…
The gas collection covers are available for pond and tank applications. Each cover is custom designed with low maintenance requirements. Generally, the only mechanical requirement for the covers is maintenance of rainwater pumps and gas draw-off systems that are provided by others. The bio-gas collected from the cover systems can…
Recently introduced IEC Flexible Clarifier Cover can be used on manure storage tanks and tanks of all sizes. The cover is constructed of industrial grade. U.V. protected geomembrane with anticipated service life of 15-20 years, offered in grey or green colors. Each cover is custom designed for local wind, rain…
The LSM hose pump is an efficient, reliable and a very energy efficient pump. LSM pumps have few special requirements in regard to installation and due to their slim design, can easy be adapted to many installations. LSM pumps can also be used as part of a mobile unit –…
Hydrocyclones provide dairy and poultry producers with pre- or post-grit removal for their manure treatment or nutrient separation systems. They can also be used by Sand Separation System customers looking for higher sand recovery. McLanahan Agricultural Hydrocyclones are based on existing mining-duty technology and were first introduced to the agricultural…
Northern Biogas provides a reliable yet affordable anaerobic digester that manages waste and odor while providing an economic value to the client. Best of all, Northern Biogas makes it easy for the client to operate. At Northern Biogas, great pride is taken in designing a system that is right for…
NCS’s Dry Matter Bedding System (DMS) is a fully integrated equipment package including pump, mixer, dewatering press, and process controls capable of being operated by a smartphone. The system is modular and allows the addition of a unique device called the Hygenizing Bio-Cell. This system can produce either sanitized or…
LED lighting systems have proven to be a key with ProStar’s dairy customers, improving milk production on dairy farms without the use of synthetic bST. The ProStar Ag team will assist in the photometric design of housing facilities to improve animal health and production with Long Day Photometric Period lighting…
Farmers are stewards of the land; now we can also harvest the sun. ProStar’s Solar team assists in developing behind the grid solar systems designed for your dairy. Whether you want a solar system behind the meter to improve ROI’s on your farm by making your own energy or have…
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And Opportunities

Every dairy farmer’s nutrient management needs and business goals are unique. That’s why we have created this unique catalog to make it easier for dairy farmers to access information and make decisions regarding nutrient management specific to their operations and goals.
Visit the Technology Catalog Scoring System page to read more about the Newtrient Technology 9-Point Scoring System and Designations.

Unique Technology
Assessment Scoring System

Every technology is evaluated based on nine criteria developed by Newtrient’s Technology Advancement Team (TAT). The 9-Point Technology Score indicates the status and assists in tracking the progress of the technology.
Contact Newtrient with any questions about our evaluation process, or any of the vendors/technologies in which you are interested.

Technology Catalog Scoring System

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Explore Technology Vendors

DVO Inc Two Stage Linear VortexTM digesters

DVO Inc Phosphorus Recovery

California Bioenergy LLC Covered Lagoon Digester

JWC Environmental Inline Grinder Pump

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