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How Does the BIDA® System Work? The BIDA® System is a bioreactor that utilizes both physical and biological processes to provide secondary treatment. Physical filtration is provided by system medias which also cultivate a rich biomass of bacteria and worms for biological filtration.    Telemetry Monitoring & Control Using a network of sensors…
Coaltec Energy provides a fixed-bed gasification system as the centerpiece of a complete solution for a variety of industries. This technology has a proven track record processing a variety of feedstocks – cow manure, pig manure, poultry litter, biosolids, agricultural debris, etc. The system processes these feedstocks and produces a…
In partnership with dairy farmers or other commercial facilities, Maas Energy Works specializes in developing, owning, and operating anaerobic manure digesters. Daryl Maas, president of Maas Energy Works, has learned about digesters not by selling them to others, but by building, owning, and operating them himself. Maas got started in…
The Trident Nutrient Recovery System is an integrated turn-key solution that allows farmers to processes their livestock manure into valuable components like concentrated nutrients, coarse fiber and water. The system is based on a modular design and fully scalable (250 to more than 15,000 cows). Trident’s Nutrient Recovery System provides…
California Bioenergy develops, owns, and operates projects in partnership with the dairy farmer. The projects capture and destroy methane produced from dairy cow waste, creating renewable electricity, bio-methane or transportation fuel and in the process greenhouse gas emissions reductions. CalBio’s process consists of four main steps: Waste Collection Gas Capture…
Agrilab Technologies Inc. standard products include the AGT Compost Hot Skid, Hot Box, Drum Dragon, Dryer and AerSkid units. This technology incorporates aeration to accelerate the composting process for manure, bedding, forest residuals, food scraps and other biomass. AGT equipment is modular to meet a range of scales and applications.…
The Centrisys decanter centrifuge is a technology which utilizes centrifugal force to separate solids away from the liquid in the manure slurry. The slurry is spun at high speeds within the centrifuge and the separated solids are extracted with a concentrically mounted scroll conveyor. Because the technology applies centrifugal force…
The Press Screw Separator PSS by FAN, a company of the Bauer Group, covers a broad spectrum of applications, from agriculture over biogas and bioethanol plants and food processing to the chemical industry. The innovative technology separates sewage in its solid and liquid elements. The secret of the versatility of…
Anaerobic Digester (366) An anaerobic digester is a facility that provides biological treatment of animal waste in the absence of oxygen. Practice Information An anaerobic digester can be used to capture the biogas from animal manure so it can be used for energy production. It can also be used to…
Composting Facility (317) A composting facility is a structure or device to contain and facilitate an aerobic microbial ecosystem for the decomposition of manure, other organic material, or both, into a final product sufficiently stable for storage, on-farm use, and application to land as a soil amendment. Practice Information A…

How the Catalog Works

Creating Connections
And Opportunities

Every dairy farmer’s nutrient management needs and business goals are unique. That’s why we have created this unique catalog to make it easier for dairy farmers to access information and make decisions regarding nutrient management specific to their operations and goals.
Visit the Technology Catalog Scoring System page to read more about the Newtrient Technology 9-Point Scoring System and Designations.

Unique Technology
Assessment Scoring System

Every technology is evaluated based on nine criteria developed by Newtrient’s Technology Advancement Team (TAT). The 9-Point Technology Score indicates the status and assists in tracking the progress of the technology.
Contact Newtrient with any questions about our evaluation process, or any of the vendors/technologies in which you are interested.

Technology Catalog Scoring System

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Explore Technology Vendors

DVO Inc Two Stage Linear VortexTM digesters

DVO Inc Phosphorus Recovery

California Bioenergy LLC Covered Lagoon Digester

JWC Environmental Inline Grinder Pump

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