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News and Information Related to Sustainability in Dairy

A collection of articles relevant to dairies and their environmental impact.

Farmers with sources of manure have advantage this year

May 5, 2022 | Zeta Cross

With fertilizer prices soaring, old fashioned manure is a bargain.

Satellites detect California cow burps, a major methane source, from space

April 30, 2022 | Valerie Volcovici

Satellites have detected methane emissions from belching cows at a California feedlot, marking the first time emissions from livestock – a major component of agricultural methane – could be measured from space.

Here’s a carbon markets crash course

March 11, 2022 | Abby Bauer

The phrase “carbon markets” gets tossed around often during conversations about sustainability and agriculture, but how many people truly know what a carbon market is and how their farm could participate in one?

Sustainability in Agriculture

February 6, 2022 | Farm Bureau

America’s farmers and ranchers are leading the way in climate-smart practices that reduce emissions, enrich the soil and protect our water and air, all while producing more food, fiber and renewable fuel than ever before. U.S. agriculture contributes just 10% to overall GHG emissions, far less than other major industries, and plays an active role in enhancing wildlife and absorbing carbon.

The New California Gold Rush into Anaerobic Digesters

February 4, 2022 | Chuck Abbott

Each cow on a farm with a digester can generate $2,827 a year in air pollution and biofuel credits for methane that would otherwise go into the atmosphere.

Digester Business Booming, but Some Question Their Value

February 2, 2022 | Steve Davies

Anaerobic digesters that take manure and turn it into biomethane for the transportation sector and other industrial uses are a key part of the dairy industry’s strategy to get to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Death Trap: Poisonous Gases Killed 3 Brothers Working in a Manure Pit in Ohio

August 17, 2021 | Precious Smith

This week, three brothers lost their lives while they were working in a manure pit at a farm in Ohio. Here’s how this normal day on the farm became a tragedy in no time through bacterial forces and poisonous gases – and ways to avoid the occurrence of such tragedies.

Goodrich Farm: A Definition of Sustainability

August 13, 2021 | Karen Bohnert

Chase and Danielle Goodrich are prime examples of young dairy farmers setting their business on a successful trajectory. Diversifying their farm while further protecting Vermont’s soils and waters is the innovative thinking dairy farmers are known for.

Can California Reduce Dairy Methane Emissions Equitably?

August 9, 2021 | Liza Gross

State officials say dairy digesters can reduce greenhouse gas and toxic air emissions from large dairies. Why community activists don’t believe them.

Opinion: Kewaunee County water study looks backward, not forward

August 6, 2021 | Don Niles / Peninsula Pride Farms

Another study about Kewaunee County has popped up dealing with groundwater, cows and humans in our community. News stories about the study, which uses data collected in 2016-17, are causing some unfounded concerns about people getting sick, today, from farming practices.

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