Daritech, Inc. – Sand Separation

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Daritech, Inc. – Sand Separation

Cows • Land • Passion

About the Company:

DariTech was founded in 1990 and has grown to be a top to bottom dairy service and supply company worldwide. Taking what we’ve learned in the field, DariTech’s design team has developed a diversified product line that meets the needs of today’s modern dairies. DariTech’s ability to design and manufacture DariTech’s own components lets us personally ensure the quality of each product. DariTech’s equipment is built to be durable and functional not only today, but also for years to come. DariTech’s goal is to provide every customer with a long-term value for their investment.

About the Solution:

Daritech’s One Shot sand separation system is a single piece of equipment designed to lift, rinse, and stack quality reusable bedding sand. Combined with a cross auger for high capture, their patented dual flight design allows sand to lift and settle in the process of rotating up the tube of the One Shot.

Daritech’s Sand Cannon separator produces high quality reusable bedding sand. With low energy use and less wear and tear you can keep your sand from scrape or alley vac manure while sending water to your lagoon with low solids and no sand.

Both the One Shot and Sand Cannon Separators utilize the same mechanism to achieve clean, odor-free sand. With flights attached to the inside wall of the tube, sand settles in the process of rotating to the top. Fiber floats in the water that slips through the upper split flights and cascades over the standard flights down the core of the tube, leaving the sand to exit the tube into a neat stack below. Once the fiber and water reach the lower double flight, it exits the tube.

DariTech, Inc. 8540 Benson Rd. Lynden, WA USA 360-354-6900 Visit Company Website

Solution Type

  • Sand Separation


  • Equipment Vendor
  • Project Developer


  • Concentrated Nutrients
  • Energy
  • Fiber


  • GHG
  • Nitrogen
  • Odor
  • Phosphorous

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Solution Strengths, Weaknesses and Critical Indicators

Sand Separation:  

  • Used on Vacuumed/scraped manure and manure slurries with limited water addition
  • Economics can be attractive depending on post-treatment and sand price
  • Dairies that use sand for bedding believe that the sand improves the comfort and productivity of the milking herd
  • Removal of sand particles can save significant wear in down-stream equipment
  • Reusing sand form a separator for bedding can reduce farms total bedding costs
  • Can increase manure volume based on the amount and source of water used for dilution
  • Reused sand must be handled properly to ensure that pathogens and moisture are not reintroduced into the barn

Newtrient Comments/Opinions:

Bedding Recovery Systems:

  • Conditions coarse manure fiber to improve the bedding characteristics.
  • Most utilize in-vessel composter technology
  • Provides bacterial kill and material drying
  • Recovered manure solids require more bedding management than other high quality bedding materials
Bedding sand can be separated from manure (aka sand-laden dairy manure, SLDM) using sand-manure separation (SMS). SMS is achieved in a stepwise process. SLDM is conveyed to a sand-manure separator’s sump with a pump or auger at a controlled feed rate. Dilution water (gray water ideally with low total solids content (< 5%)), is added at a rate of around 2-3X the flow rate of the SLDM to the sump. Gentle agitation is used to mix the raw SLDM and dilution water promoting separation of bedding sand particles from manure.

Sand settles in the sump while manure water and organic solids along with the dilution water exit the sump over a weir into a discharge pipe. Separated sand is removed from the sump using an inclined auger and discharged into a pile where residual water leaches way from the stockpile. SMS systems are low flow systems; therefore, they operate many hours of the day on most farms. Concrete sand (ASTM-33) is readily removed from manure and is a great sand for cows to rest on.

Newtrient will continue to work with DariTech to further refine the cost and performance information as more information comes in with new commercial dairy installations.

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