Coaltec Energy – Thermal Processing

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Coaltec Energy – Thermal Processing

Maximizing the value of your waste stream while improving the environment

About the Company:

While the company is based on a technology platform, much of the work done by Coaltec over the years has been working with potential customers to develop viable economic solutions to their problems. The gasification process not only must work, it must provide an economic return on investment. These efforts have led to work developing biochar from manures and other fuels as a significant revenue source, exploration into credit markets, and finding other creative ways to make the gasification system provide benefits for the customer.

About the Solution:

Coaltec Energy provides a fixed-bed gasification system as the centerpiece of a complete solution for a variety of industries. This technology has a proven track record processing a variety of feedstocks - cow manure, pig manure, poultry litter, biosolids, agricultural debris, etc. The system processes these feedstocks and produces a hot air stream and biochar. The hot air stream can be used for a variety of applications, such as steam, material drying, and power generation. The biochar from different feedstocks has varying characteristics, and has many potential applications, as a soil amendment, in water filtration, contaminated soil remediation, odor control, and as an animal feed supplement. The production of biochar makes these projects "carbon negative".

Coaltec Energy 5749 Coal Drive Carterville, IL USA 812-455-4568 Visit Company Website

Solution Type

  • Gasification


  • Equipment Vendor


  • Energy


  • GHG
  • Odor
  • Pathogens
  • Phosphorous
  • Storage

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Solution Strengths, Weaknesses and Critical Indicators


  • Produces a soil amendment in the form of biochar
  • Biochar does not yet have an established, stable commercial market
  • There is significant variation in energy use and recovery depending on feedstock
  • There is significant variation of operational intensity by site and by technology, many technologies require pairing with other technologies to offer a comprehensive manure management solution
  • There is significant variation of cost depending on site and by technology
  • Proven technology for phosphorous recovery, storage reduction, GHG reduction, odor control and pathogen reduction
  • This technology loses nitrogen to the atmosphere

Newtrient Comments/Opinions:

Thermal process technologies:

  • Produce a soil amendment in the form of biochar, ash and other products
  • These products have not yet established a stable commercial market
  • Include pyrolysis, torrefaction, gasification and hydrothermal carbonization
  • There is significant variation in energy use and recovery depending on feedstock
  • There is significant variation of operational intensity by site and by technology
  • There is significant variation of cost by site and by technology

The CoalTec Energy gasification system has been installed at several sites and at least one dairy related location that uses a deep pack manure bedding system. The technology appears to be designed and constructed for robust and reliable performance. The lack of a stable market for the biochar produced by the system has limited its operations.

This technology has the potential for transforming dairy manure into products that have value outside of the traditional uses of manure based products. Depending on the dry matter of the feedstock this system can also produce energy and dried bedding.

This technology is most suitable for dry manure solids or manure with a significant amount of organic bedding material like straw, dried manure solids or sawdust.

Newtrient 9-Point Scoring Rating

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